(2018) 2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 35–45
Title of the article Procedural Rights of a Person in the Implementation of Compulsory Measures of a Medical Nature in the Context of Legislative Changes
PhD in Law, chief research officer, department of scientific and methodological support of prosecutor’s participation in criminal proceedings, Scientific Research Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, cherniienko13@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 2
Pages [35–45]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The Constitution of Ukraine states that the person, his/her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized as the highest social value; human rights and freedoms, and their guarantees determine the essence and course of activities of the State. Moreover, the State is responsible to the person for its activities, affirming and ensuring human rights and freedoms are the main duty of the State. Under such conditions, compliance with the requirements of the law in criminal proceedings regarding the application of compulsory medical measures remains relevant, since citizens have equal constitutional rights and freedoms, and are equal before the law and the state, regardless of race, skin color, political, religious and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, language or other characteristics.
Changes to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the psychiatric care also concern to the existing legal provisions of domestic criminal procedure legislation, which determine the procedure for the use of forced medical measures.
The purpose of the article is to study the procedure rights of a person in the implementation of compulsory measures of a medical nature in the context of legislative changes.
Thus, the author examined the international legal guarantees of the rights of persons with mental illness and their adaption in the criminal procedure law of Ukraine concerning application of forced medical measures.
The necessity of personal participation of the person concerning whom the issue of application of forced medical measures is resolved in court proceeding is grounded. The fragmentary observance of the rights of such persons during the pre-trial investigation is proved. The need to enable individuals to exercise their rights at the stage of a pre-trial investigation, not only through a legal representative, a defender, but also on their own. In this regard, the author offers to supplement Art. 506 of the CPC of Ukraine with the relevant provision.
Keywords special procedure of criminal proceedings; criminal proceedings on the application of forced medical measures; person’s rights; litigation; international standards.
List of legal documents
1. Konventsiia pro prava osib z invalidnistiu [The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities] vid 13 hrudnia 2006 roku: ratyfikovana Zakonom Ukrainy [ratified by the Law of Ukraine] vid 16 hrudnia 2009 roku № 1767-VI. URL: (accessed: 23.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
2. Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Criminal Сode of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 5 kvitnia 2001 roku № 2341-III. URL: (accessed: 20.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
3. Kryminalnyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 13 kvitnia 2012 roku № 4651-VI. URL: (accessed: 20.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
4. Polozhenie i vzgljady Vsemirnoj psihiatricheskoj associacii o pravah i juridicheskoj zashсhite psihicheski bol’nyh [The Position and Views of the World Psychiatric Association on the Rights and Legal Protection of the Mentally Ill], prinjatye General’noj Assambleej VPA na VIII Vsemirnom kongresse po psihiatrii [adopted by the General Assembly of the WPA at the VIII World Congress on Psychiatry] 17 oktjabrja 1989 goda. URL: (accessed: 23.07.2018) (in Russian).
5. Pro psykhiatrychnu dopomohu [On Psychiatric Care]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 22 liutoho 2000 roku № 1489-ІІІ. URL: (accessed 20.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
6. Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shchodo nadannia psykhiatrychnoi dopomohy [On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Psychiatric Care]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 14 lystopada 2017 roku № 2205-VIII. URL: (accessed 20.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
7. Rekomendacija 818 (1977) o situacii s psihicheskimi zabolevanijami [Recommendation 818 (1977) on the Situation with Mental Illness], prinjataja Parlamentskoj Assambleej Soveta Evropy [adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] 8 oktjabrja 1977 goda. URL: (accessed: 23.07.2018) (in Russian).
8. Zahalna deklaratsiia prav liudyny [The Universal Declaration of Human Rights], pryiniata i proholoshena rezoliutsiieiu 217 A (III) Heneralnoi Asamblei OON [adopted and proclaimed by Resolution 217 A (III) of the General Assembly of the United Nations] vid 10 hrudnia 1948 roku. URL: (accessed: 20.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
9. Zashchita lic s psihicheskimi zabolevanijami i uluchshenie psihiatricheskoj pomoshchi [Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care]: Rezoljucija № 46/119, prinjataja General’noj Assambleej OON 18 fevralja 1992 goda po dokladu Tret’ego komiteta (A/46/721) [Resolution No. 46/119 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 18 February 1992 on the report of the Third Committee (A/46/721)]. URL: (accessed: 23.07.2018) (in Russian).
10. Anatolii Rudenko v. Ukraine App no 50264/08 (ECtHR, 17 April 2014). URL: (accessed: 23.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
Authored books
11. Haievyi V, Uchast prokurora u sudovomu kryminalnomu provadzhenni pro zastosuvannia prymusovykh zakhodiv medychnoho kharakteru [Participation of the Prosecutor in a Court Criminal Proceeding on the Use of Compulsory Medical Measures] (Natsionalna akademiia prokuratury Ukrainy 2013) 6 (in Ukrainian).
Thesis abstracts
12. Bersh Anastasiia, ‘Prymusovi zakhody medychnoho kharakteru: pravova pryroda ta vydy’ [‘Compulsory Measures of a Medical Nature: Legal Nature and Types’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, Natsionalnyi universytet “Odeska yurydychna akademiia” 2017) 3 (in Ukrainian).
13. Vereshchak V, ‘Pro praktyku zastosuvannia sudamy prymusovykh zakhodiv medychnoho kharakteru ta prymusovoho likuvannia’ [‘On the Practice of the Application of Compulsory Medical Measures and Forced Treatment by Courts’] URL: accessed 20 July 2018 (in Ukrainian).